The Tunneling Company was contracted to replace a culvert beneath a major highway, installing a larger-diameter culvert pipe in its place. This new 2.4 m (96 in) wide culvert was designed to improve the flow dynamics and ecological connectivity of a creek that intersects with the highway — enhancing the aquatic habitat’s overall quality. The installation took place at a depth of 9 m (30 ft), maintaining the waterway’s existing path through the area.
Due to the location’s far-north climate, the crossing was situated in permafrost conditions. To tunnel through the hard, frozen ground, The Tunneling Company developed a custom-fabricated drive shoe with carbide teeth. This component was installed on the pipe’s leading edge, allowing it to penetrate the permafrost. Our crew advanced the culvert using a 280 kJ high-energy Hydro Hammer, which is ideal for installing large-diameter pipes in difficult ground conditions.
The Tunneling Company successfully installed the culvert to a distance of 76 m (250 ft), using our custom tunneling solution to capably pass through the permafrost. The wider culvert ensured that the stream and its aquatic wildlife could move beneath the highway with ease, helping maintain the local ecosystem. At the time of installation, this project was the northernmost crossing undertaken by The Tunneling Company.
The Tunneling Company successfully installed the culvert to a distance of 76 m (250 ft), using our custom tunneling solution to capably pass through the permafrost. The wider culvert ensured that the stream and its aquatic wildlife could move beneath the highway with ease, helping maintain the local ecosystem. At the time of installation, this project was the northernmost crossing undertaken by The Tunneling Company.