Down the Hole Hammer (DTH)
Down the Hole Hammer (DTH) is a versatile horizontal drilling method, capable of tunneling through the toughest soil types and rock formations.

With its combination of strength and precision, DTH is an impactful solution for a wide range of project types:
DTH can break through cobbles, boulders, and even solid rock — which allows our team to complete installations in otherwise impenetrable ground conditions. This methodology does not displace or expand soil around the casing pipe, making it ideal for crossings that pass beneath infrastructure or environmentally sensitive features.
Specifications and Benefits
Made for Challenging Conditions
Long or Short
Variable Pipe
Cost Effective
A pneumatic hammer is attached to the inside edge of the casing, using its fast action to break solid rock or boulders into small fragments.
The drill bit pulls the steel casing through the borehole, while the casing provides structural support against surrounding ground conditions.
Spoil moves through the hammer, into the casing, and is removed by airway augers.
How it works

Equipment and Capabilities
The Crossing Group has the largest and most versatile DTH Hammer fleet in North America. We bring unmatched expertise to each project, with over 100 long-distance DTH crossings completed in the past 20 years.
Our crews and machines are ready to take on your next installation — no matter the scope, and no matter the challenge.

DTH in action

Richelieu River
The Tunneling Company was hired to extend two surface casings for an HDD installation in Quebec, with one additional challenge: the existing casings were installed in the middle of the Richelieu River.
Our crew was tasked with extending the twin 36-inch casings an additional 18 meters, into the bedrock beneath the river. As it was not possible to drive the casing any deeper, we telescoped 30-inch casing inside of the existing pipe using a GeoNex DTH system.
To access the existing casing, our crews and equipment worked from a floating barge in the middle of the river. They used a high angle adjustable ramp to correctly position the GeoNex, while working within strict space and weight limitations throughout the project.
The casing extension was a success, allowing for the safe installation of hydroelectric lines beneath the river.

Fraser Cliffs
The Tunneling Company was hired to provide an alternative to open cutting a mountainside along a pipeline right of way. The solid rock ground conditions made DTH an ideal methodology for this project, but the steep 30-degree entry angle necessitated a custom solution.
To achieve the required angle, we utilized an adjustable surface casing ramp in the entry pit. crossing’s target length was 180 metres, but anything over 70 metres would be considered a success as it would eliminate most of the rock removal process.
Due to changing ground conditions, we reached 90 metres before the DTH hammer could not drill any further. To complete the crossing, we mobilized a pneumatic hammer and proceeded to pipe ram the casing for the remaining length. The casing was rammed forward while the product pipe was pulled down the mountain, following the casing pipe’s path.
Ultimately, the product pipe was successfully installed without the need to open cut the side of the mountain, greatly reducing the project’s cost and environmental impact.