Fox Creek / Namao Pipeline
Complex Multi-Crossing Project
The scale, scope, complexity and urgency of this project demanded an integrated offering of heavy and light duty horizontal directional drilling rigs and dedicated hydrovac services. The Crossing Company provided all of these services to Pembina as part of a one-stop trenchless solution.
Our heavy rigs were employed to complete 22 engineered horizontal directional drills, while light rigs were required on 16 horizontal directional drills. At the peak, eight rigs were running concurrently, 24-hours/day (three light rigs and five heavy rigs). Nine hydrovac trucks were assigned to this project through The Hydrovac Company.

Due to the complexity and sensitivity of this project, The Crossing Company assigned a dedicated full-time Horizontal Direction Drilling Superintendent and a full-time Hydrovac Supervisor over our eight-month involvement.
Pipeline companies are being held to increasingly higher environmental standards, and are putting new measures in place to address public and regulatory concerns. At our customer’s request, we provided full time frac walkers on all HDDs. Surface and Washover casing was installed at numerous crossings to mitigate fluid releases and facilitate successful project execution. As well, we worked with a third-party drilling fluid engineering to provide an Engineered Drilling Fluid Plan (EDFP) for each of the 22 crossings.
This project demonstrated our ability to maximize efficiencies and improve accountability through our integrated service offering.