Product Pipeline
British Columbia, Canada

Pine River

Adapting to Unexpected Challenges with Hydro Hammer Technology

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Case Studies
Pine River

Pine River


The Tunneling Company facilitated the removal of a decommissioned pipeline from beneath the Pine River, using trenchless methods to avoid the high costs associated with traditional open-cut techniques. This section of NPS 24 x 9.8mm product line spanned approximately 200 meters, including multiple bends and concrete weights every 6 to 9 meters along its length.

We mobilized two pneumatic pipe rammers and extraction tooling to simultaneously push and pull the pipeline in the desired direction, breaking it free from its current position. Once the pipe string was mobile, the pull would continue with a single pipe rammer set up to extract the line. While this method was initially successful in breaking the pipe free from its position, it soon became clear that one hammer alone lacked the energy required to advance the pipe.


Project Type
Product Pipeline
British Columbia, Canada
Trenchless Method
Hydro Hammer


Once signs of refusal became apparent, The Tunneling Company recognized the need for a new strategy. We created a custom-designed, smaller version of its Hydro Hammer Extractor, which increased the available energy from 20 to 90 kilojoules. The crew gradually increased the ramming energy above the pneumatic hammer’s capabilities, using equipment instrumentation to ensure the pipe advancement stayed above refusal limits. This approach significantly reduced the risk for pipe failure underground. 

While hydraulic pipe ramming is effective for shorter casings up to 96 inches in diameter, this project presented additional technical challenges. The combination of the pipeline’s extended length, thin walls, and multi-curved alignment introduced an extra layer of complexity that required a strategic and precise approach.


The Tunneling Company successfully removed the entire 200-meter pipeline, overcoming significant technical challenges along the way. Our crew's versatility and persistence — along with an expansive fleet of equipment — allowed us to adapt to the project’s unique conditions, ensuring the work was completed in an environmentally responsible manner.


The Tunneling Company successfully removed the entire 200-meter pipeline, overcoming significant technical challenges along the way. Our crew's versatility and persistence — along with an expansive fleet of equipment — allowed us to adapt to the project’s unique conditions, ensuring the work was completed in an environmentally responsible manner.

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